Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

Descriptive Text

     Teks Descriptive adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan suatu benda, tempat, atau orang tertentu.

Teks ini memiliki struktur sebagai berikut :

1. Identification ( Identifikasi ) : Pendahuluan tentang apa dan siapa yang akan di deskripsikan.
2. Description ( Deskripsi ) : Berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang di miliki benda, tempat atauorang yanh dideskripsikan.

Karakteristik teks Descriptive :

1. Menggunakan The Simple Present Tense
2. Menggunakan attribute verb , seperti be ( am, is , are).


The Mango Tree in Our School
There are some trees in our school . Among them, there is a mango tree. The tree is in front of our classroom.
The mango tree is very old. Maybe , it is the oldest tree at the school. The trunk is very big. It takes two children with arms out stretched to completely circle it. Surprisingly, it still bears a lot of fruit. No wonder, when mango season comes , my friends and I get excited . We all like to come to school really early so we can pick all the good ones. Before going home, we can’t help taking a look at the mouth watering sight on the tree, hoping that we might climb it again the next day.

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